Monday, July 7

Man Cat Monday: Is it snack time yet?

These pictures were taken by TB. The cats are tired of Mom Bean pointing the flashy thing at them and they tend to turn away or otherwise not pose for her lately! :P

Cubby says, all our snackies come from Dad Bean now because Mommy is such a pushover. Dad Bean is a lot more resistant to our charms!

Maybe if I look hard enough, I can find them on my own!

No luck! When is snack time, Kosmo?

Kosmo says, I don't know, I don't have a watch. But just be patient! All good things come to those who wait!

Actually, Kosmo is not really speaking to Cubby yet. They traded butt sniffs today but Cubby still chases him around the house. I think Cubby just wants to play and Kosmo just isn't into it. Cubby and Mouse have become good playmates, playing chase, hide and seek and pounce in the tent.

I seem to have lost my focus as well as my mind. I am having such trouble concentrating on anything lately and it's driving me nuts. I haven't been able to post the way I want to, write or read the way I want to, or even watch TV the way I want to. Is it the drugs, the stress or both? I'm not sure.

Yesterday we went to church and I'm glad we did. We didn't have any nice go-to-church clothes to wear but we weren't the only ones, thank goodness. I know it's not supposed to matter but TB and I were of the generation brought up to dress for church. It shows respect for the Lord's house. The pastor of the church is TB's friend, the same one who married us six years ago. Has it really been that long? It's been about that long since we went to that particular church and no, the roof didn't cave in. ;)

The message was one that we needed to hear. After Jesus preached one afternoon, there was a horde of hungry people to feed. Worry-wart disciple Philip wondered how they'd manage when they only had so much money. Yet the people were fed. Some people have too much month at the end of their paycheck and other people suffer like we do. The idea is we shouldn't worry because God will provide.

We've managed to survive this long on my piddly social security and the kids' contribution. That is a miracle. Yet it's happening.

TB and I have decided to let go and let God. After talking to realtors, a financial advisor, and others, we've decided not to push selling the house. We'll wait it out to September and trust that something positive will happen so that we can keep the house. That something positive would be social security. We just flat out need more income, that's all.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Terrific photos, Cubby and Kosmo! :)

Nancy in PA said...

Yea for you, for going back to church! :-) We're proud of you guys, we know that was hard... Hugs and prayers...

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are purring you will be able to keep the house. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're with Alasandra! We're purring you get to keep the house too.

Grace In Small Things

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