Saturday, July 5

Our Visit to the Mall

Today we spent the morning with our Little T. One of the things we did was go to the mall. We'd taken him to the mall about 3 weeks ago and enjoyed it very much. It was fun for all of us and somewhat like a field trip. How so?

Well, take the escalators f'r instance. We taught him how to ride safely up and down. T enjoyed it thoroughly and as the grandparents, we have the time and patience to go up and down, up and down, up and down over and over. It's cheaper than going to Great Adventure and T loved it.

Walking around the mall provides lots of opportunities for learning that you never would have thought of. We could talk about people's jobs, the plants, the stuff up for sale--just all kinds of information. T did a lot more talking in the car going and coming than he did at the mall; still, he absorbs information like a sponge and he sure enjoyed himself.

You can't beat the price of an outing like this: free. That's particularly important for TB and me these days.

Best of all: we got to spend some good quality time with T!

The pictures in the slide show combine our two trips.


Nancy in PA said...

Looks like you guys had a great time!!! :-) Thanks for sharing the pictures...

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Nice pictures! Looks like it was a good trip to the mall, and free is always good!

Anonymous said...

We agree. Everything can and should be a learning experience! Great job!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

What a great idea. You had some quality time, made some memories, he learned lots of things and it was all free.

Grace In Small Things

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