Saturday, August 23

Little T & the Sprinkler

Today Little T came for a visit. It was so beautiful outside, there was no way we were staying indoors. I pulled out the sprinkler thinking that Little T would enjoy running through it as I did as a child. He ran away from it instead!

I coaxed him back over and showed him how I could just get my feet and legs wet by standing just to one side of the sprinkler.

He wasn't quite convinced but enjoyed running away from the sprinkler in time to avoid getting wet.

He also enjoyed walking on the hose and following it around as it looped across the grass.

Meanwhile, I am too big and too old to run from the sprinkler so I got quite wet but had a good time. A great time was had by all!

This is the way visits between grandparents and grandchildren should go and we are truly grateful to Kennan for making these visits possible. It's been a joy and blessing getting to know Kennan better, as he stays for a little while to chat when he comes to pick up Little T. What's especially heart warming is how happy T is to see us and how happy he is when his daddy shows up to pick him up.


Nancy in PA said...

So happy to see you all enjoying each other :-) You're right - this is the way it should be, and I'm glad T has such a great daddy who shares him with you!

Lux said...

How cute! Love the fun pictures!

Grace In Small Things

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