Saturday, August 23

Tuckerton Cruise

TB and I took Little T to Tuckerton Seaport twice and had a great time both days. The first day, we went on a cruise of the creek around the seaport and out to the bay where the captain stopped the boat and allowed Tomas to sit on his chair, put his hands on the wheel and toot the horn. TB took lots of great pictures while we were cruising!

We went back on Thursday for Grandparents' Day. There was a little playground that T enjoyed a lot--a miniature ship that he could climb onto and around and pretend to steer. Later, we went to visit the Pirates Exhibit at the lighthouse. There were toy pirate ships to play with,clothes to dress up in, and places to pose for pictures!

We had a lot of fun!

1 comment:

The Cat Realm said...

I Dare You!
Yes, it is time again for another challenge from The Cat Realm! Come and check out the details on our blog.
I hope you will accept the challenge and will eagerly await your entry!

Grace In Small Things

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