Wednesday, August 6

Wordless Wednesday: Reflected Desire


Irishcoda said...

There is something between little boys and miniature trains. The owner of the museum told me that many autistic children have been through the tour and come back again and again and again. Little T just looked like he so wanted to be small enough to drive one of those trains and if not that, to handle one, make it go and stop. This is definitely a place we will return to.

Suzie said...

My son loves trains

Puss-in-Boots said...

Now that's a picture that says it all...

You're right about the little boys and train thing...although a lot of big boys can't resist them either.

I like trains, but the ones big enough to ride in...preferably the old steam trains. I will be going on one in September and will do a post about it.

Grace In Small Things

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