Monday, September 22

Monday Sundries

Some days I really do feel like I'm living under a cursed cloud.

Today my right leg turned red and I can feel a lump. I have pain from the hip area. Now my left leg is also turning red and lumpy. Are these blood clots? Am I having an allergic reaction to a new medication? I'm waiting for my doctor's office to call and let me know whether I can come in to see them today. I don't want to have to go to the ER!

We also got a letter from the IRS. They took a look at our tax return for 2006 and decided to add on $4,000.

My daughter and hubby both needed glasses so we went to one of those America's Best places because they advertised free eye exams and two frames for $69.95. I thought we'd be able to get a frame apiece for TB and Heidi but no such luck. Not only that but the price is good only when you don't need any extras for the lenses and so on. The whole thing is going to cost almost $900. The only way we can afford this is that our social security lawyer is refunding some of his fee...well, now it's all gone!

Can it get any better than this?

Manic MOnday

Manic Monday #135

Pick out the most important item you have in your purse/wallet and tell me why it's important to you.
At this moment in time, I'd say it's my health insurance card because without it, I'm doomed

What would you take from your house if you knew it would be flooded tomorrow?
My pictures

If you were stuck in a room for an hour with a chalk board, what would you draw on it? Doodle flowers

Give Me Five

Give Me Five birthday memories from your life or of someone else.

1. My own birthday--I had a surprise party when I was 10 years old.
2. I threw a surprise party for my then fiancee, my first dh, when he was 23 years old. That was fun!
3. For his 25th birthday, I hired a singing gorilla to surprise my first dh
4. I helped plan my dh's 50th birthday party and his family members gave him a lot of gag gifts. Not so much fun.
5. My son's 21st birthday...this was a rite of passage, my "baby" is now a man!

1 comment:

Nancy in PA said...

Just saw this post - let us know how you are and what the doctor said!!! Hugs!!!

Grace In Small Things

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