Saturday, November 15

TB Is Home/Saturday Sundries

TB came home from the hospital yesterday and has been doing well ever since. This is such a big relief to me! I had a friend who had gastric bypass surgery in 2001. He did well while he was in the hospital but then died on the day he was to be discharged! On Thursday, I was having the worst panic attacks I'd had in years and the driving rain didn't help. Thank God for the Christmas music that WBAB began to play as I was driving home. It helped calm me a lot.

TB wrote a post about the procedure and there is a video that explains it here. I was really surprised by how much he's able to take in, even if it's just clear fluids!

We started out coming in very early in the morning on Monday and it turned out we hadn't needed to be there until a couple hours later! Even so, we had to wait until 10 a.m. for him to be taken up to surgery. TB told me later he waited yet another hour before he was actually taken in for surgery. I hung out in the car, in the waiting room and in the cafeteria, fighting sleepiness and boredom but not really worry. I'd already decided to put it into God's hands and that day I was able to do it.

Dr. Greenbaum called me around 3 and said the surgery went well; TB would be in recovery for about an hour and a half and then I'd be able to see him in the CCU. I waited impatiently. I was anxious to see him. The only hitch of the day occurred about now. The nurses in the CCU decided not to transfer him until the changing shift which would take place at 7!

Well, there was one other hitch. When they came to take TB upstairs for surgery, they yanked his CPAP out of the wall and during the course of the move lost the plug. I didn't realize it until it was late and I was pretty ticked. It was too late to go and try to get a replacement. TB ended up using the hospital machine and it just didn't work well enough for him to get any decent rest.

I did see TB as they moved him from Recovery to the CCU. He was conscious and knew who I was, just seemed very drowsy and weak. It was after 7 by the time I was able to get in to see him. His throat hurt from having the respirator in it and his voice was very hoarse. He was very thirsty but not allowed to have anything, not even ice chips. I stayed until 8, when all visitors were tossed from the hospital. Actually, I stayed past 8. ;-)

The next day he was up and walked around a little bit. He was feeling better but still not allowed to drink water. They did give him some ice chips, though. Each day he got better and improved but stayed in the CCU due to a plumbing problem once the catheter came out. The cath had to go back in and the issue was addressed and taken care of Friday morning. He also developed a nasty rash on his back Thursday night and was seen by the dermatologist and an infections spectialist Friday morning.

On Thursday, he was able to eat jello and was also given tea, broth and a protein shake. I was surprised he was able to take it all in. I didn't think he'd be able to hold more than a few sips or bites in his new stomach.

I'm not sure if it was the driving rain or just everything going on around me, but I was a constant panic attack from the time I set out in the car to the time I went to bed. I tried praying but it wasn't helping that particular day.

It's been unusually warm today and it looks like we're going to get more rain again. I am so glad to be home with TB for now. As he gets stronger, I feel so much better.

Camera Critters

Beautiful Dreamers

Kiss and Tell

1. Who was the last person you kissed? TB

2. What are you wearing now?
tee shirt, capris, and sneakers

3. What is your favorite meal at a fast food restaurant? Taco salad

4. Are you a morning person?
Used to be

5. When you were young, what career did you want? I wanted to be a writer

6. Do you have a thing (it can be just fantasy) for a blogger that you read? My husband

7. Do you wear jewelry? Not really

8. Do you wear perfume or cologne? If yes what type? No. I used to wear Musk

9. Do you think about sex a lot?
Not a lot

Saturday Social

What is the weather like where you live right now?

What strange weather! It's unseasonably warm and muggy. This morning the sun was out but the clouds have been rolling in and now it looks like we're going to get a lot of rain! It's supposed to get really cold tomorrow or Monday.

The Saturday Special

~Words Ending in ING ~ I Say You Answer~

1. I'm answer?
to make spaghetti and meatballs
2. I'm answer?
at my computer terminal
3. I'm answer?
it hard to stay awake
4. I'm answer?

Saturday Six

1. Between breakfast, lunch or dinner, which meal are you most likely to skip on a typical day?

2. Do you prefer a hot breakfast, like oatmeal, or a cold breakfast, like cereal? Hot

3. When you’re in the mood for a big breakfast, what do you typically crave?
Eggs over easy, French toast and bacon

4. Take the quiz: What kind of muffin are you?

You Are a Cherry Muffin

You are very friendly and sweet. You love to socialize.

You have a bit of a fire in your heart, and you secretly love adventure.

You are well known for speaking your mind. You tell people exactly what you think.

However, you're so nice when you're honest, no one really cares!

Even though you're down to earth, you're not exactly the girl or guy next door.

You are actually quite worldly and sophisticated. You are well traveled and well read.

5. What are you more likely to cook for yourself for breakfast if you’re alone: a stack of pancakes, a waffle, or grits? A waffle

6. What’s your favorite beverage to drink with your breakfast?


NoBS said...

The lack of oxygen here in CA is making me feel just like those kitties! Very cute, BTW. I love to watch my cats sleep!

Christina said...

I like you're "Saturday Special... words ending in -ing."

My Saturday Social response is up at

Thanks for sharing!

Teena in Toronto said...

Your kitties look too comfy!

I played too :)

Nancy in PA said...

WONDERFUL!!! :-) So glad he's home...

ratmammy said...

i love to see happy kitties sleeping!! they look so comfy.

i beati said...

cute cats -- I have panic attacks a lot. I always say more and more definitively each time. I know you are keeping me safe I know it I am fine and eventually just the act of the mantra itself helps me sandy

Grace In Small Things

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