Sunday, November 9

Sunday Sundries: Last Day of "Normalcy"

It's the day before TB's surgery and the last day for several weeks that he can eat food if he chooses to. Well, that ended about 10 days ago but he could have gone off the liquid diet if he'd so chosen. After this surgery, he's committed for life to changes in the way he eats. It's scary. The thought of him weighing less than me is depressing but the overall goal is positive. Besides, when he recovers, then it's my turn. I've put it all into God's hands so I don't feel scared about the surgery itself anymore. This is going to be a big adjustment for the whole family.

Once I've had my procedure, TB and I will be able to share a meal so we'll be using a lot less food. We may also be leaving the kids more to their own devices as well. Maybe there will be more frozen dinners in the house for a while.

I just want to feel healthy and whole again.

It's a bright, sunny day and yet I still feel depressed. I think about going back to bed and napping for a few hours. That's where TB is anyway. He spends a lot of time napping.

Today, though, I want to do some shopping for the week--frozen stuff to get everyone through while TB is recovering in the hospital. I doubt I will feel up to making meals this week.

Kennan's had to make other arrangements for Little T after school. I'm not sure how long that will last. I miss the little guy already but I also know I'm not so capable of handling watching him and helping to care for TB.

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Coverage :: news

  2. Cynical :: media

  3. Gust :: gust

  4. Improvised :: McGyvered

  5. V :: aliens

  6. Guests :: visitors

  7. Brutal :: cruel

  8. Grant :: give

  9. Pull :: push

  10. Streaming :: video

Sunday Seven

Name the seven chores you most need to do in your home.

1. Sanitize all the bathrooms
2. Clean the kitchen
3. Dust
4. Vacuum everywhere
5. Change the kitty litter
6. Laundry
7. Defrost the freezer

1. Who did you spend at least two hours with today? My husband

2. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks? TB's recovery from surgery

3. Who was the last person you called? Hmm...I can't remember. Someone with the government or some kind of agency.

4. What were you doing at 12am last night? Sleeping

5. Are your parents married/divorced? By some miracle, they're still married

6. When did you last see your mom?
Around Christmas
7. What are you wearing right now? A house dress

8. Where is your favorite place to be? the ocean

9. Where is your least favorite place to be?
bumper-to-bumper traffic

10. Where would you go if you could go anywhere? a beach!

11. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years? in a cottage on the shores of Delaware

12. What was the last thing that really made you laugh?
I can't remember
13. What cities/towns/villages have you lived in?
Bay Shore, NY, Baltimore, MD, Laurel, MD, Lothian, MD, Islip, NY, East Islip, NY, West Islip, NY, Columbia, MD, Massapequa Park, NY, New Egypt, NJ, Browns Mills, NJ

14. Are you a social person? Not really

15. Do you sleep alone? No

You Are a Corn Muffin

Even though you've been accused of being otherwise, you're a simple, uncomplicated person.

You just want the same things everyone else wants. You're just happier with what you already have.

You are confident and strong minded. You are proud of who you are.

You enjoy being recognized for your accomplishments, and you like to be the center of attention.

Sometimes your ego can get the best of you. You do tend to outshine people.

It's hard for you not to have a big head - very few people have it as good as you do.


Hootin Anni said...

Your first and second answers this week kinda go 'hand in hand' if you ask me. Agree?

Mine's posted, stop by won't you? [You'll have to scroll down a bit to find 'em, but they're there today.]

Happy Sunday.

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

I'm ready for the beach, too. Should we orgainize a bloggers trip? LOL. Happy Sunday...

Anonymous said...

Ahh, I remember that old series "V". It was classic XD

Great Mutterings, enjoy your Sunday!

Boots & the Interlopers said...

Our mommy has WLS almost 2 years ago, so all this sounds real familiar to her. Try IDS for protein, shakes, and ohh trust her, the days you hit 1000 calories will feel like you ate a whole house!

Jans Funny Farm said...

I hope the surgery and recovery go well!


Grace In Small Things

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