Saturday, November 22

Saturday Sundries

TB tried pureed foods for the first time last night and oops! It was too soon for the chicken. The yams and peas were okay because they did moosh to the consistency of baby food. The blender pureed the chicken but it just wasn't the right consistency. The poor guy got so sick. Luckily, he didn't throw up but his stomach was cramping and he said it was like a time he'd had food poisoning. I felt so bad for him. Today we bought baby food chicken and turkey for him to try.

Camera Critters

This picture of TB and Kosmo was taken before the surgery.

Saturday 9: Dreaming of You

1. What did you dream about last night?
I can't remember

2. Do you often have nightmares? Probably

3. Do you have any special talents? I'm fluent in sign language and when I put my mind to it, I can write a decent story

4. Who is the most talent person that you know?
My daughter, Heidi

5. What did you watch on TV last? I think it's called Wife Swap

6. Is there a new TV show that you would recommend?
The Mentalist

7. Who was the last person you phoned and why?
I called my friend Dawn to chat about something

8. Who was the last person who phoned you and why?
My mother-in-law called just to talk

9. What was the last snail mail letter that you received?
It was from my other mother-in-law

Saturday Social

What is the weather like where you live right now?
It's pretty cold and breezy. I could feel the wind blowing against the car when we went out shopping this morning. It feels like real winter weather instead of fall weather. I sort of like it. I wish it would snow.

Saturday Special

~One Word To Start A Sentence Or Statement~
~Fill In The Blanks~

1. Buying
groceries was a real ordeal this morning--it was so crowded!

2. Cooking will be interesting with TB's new eating style.

3. Dinner can be difficult to prepare with everyone on different schedules.

4. Invited my mother-n-law for dinner on Thanksgiving but she already had plans.

The Ultimate Color Test

When you are at peace, you are:

Deeply stable

When you are moved to act, you are:

Giving and warm

When you are inspired, you are:

Creative and productive

When your life is perfectly balanced, you are:

Philosophical and expressive

Your life's purpose is:

To find contentment


muffinmidi said...

Hi Cassie,
I'm so glad TB's surgery went well.
I think the baby food chicken should work out well. A friend of mine had the lapband done and she used the baby food successfully.
I'm sorry I haven't been around much. I'll write you more about what's going on.

Unknown said...


I came across your blog and wanted to say hello. My name is Iri Amirav and I am a co-founder at iMedix. iMedix is a website that helps hundreds of thousands of patients every month and we’ve recently decided to form a Support Group for Bipolar patients:

I am looking for leaders who will be interested to start and manage this group with me and thought you might be a good person to speak with about finding patients in need. I would love to speak with you and tell you more about who we are and what we are trying to accomplish.

Please feel free to contact me by email. In addition, you can find me on the iMedix website under the nickname irus.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.



Teena in Toronto said...

That looks like Morgan!

I played too!

Happy blogoversary!

Grace In Small Things

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