Thursday, January 22

Good grief!

Bill's car broke down on him again Tuesday night so he had to have it towed to Andy's garage. The next day, Andy called to say it needed a new alternator so we said go ahead and fix it. The really bad news is that when Bill and TB went to get the car, Andy said the motor was shot! He knocked $100 off the cost of the alternator, saying he hadn't noticed the problem with the motor until after the new part was installed. So Bill brought the car home (because it has a lot of his stuff in it) and it stalled again in front of the house. We were all in shock and pretty upset because this means we have to ferry Bill around to his classes and his three jobs until he can get another car. When I told Kennan what happened, he expressed some doubt and disbelief and said he'd like to take a look at the car Saturday. Maybe Kennan can do something with it!

And Little T had another major melt down yesterday. He was happy as a little clam when we first picked him up from school. I fed him so mac'n'cheese and then we watched an episode of Dora...and then his mother showed up. T gave her the weirdest look--like Oh no! I don't want to go! Linda asked if they could stay and play at our house because she didn't have enough gas to "go gallivanting around" and I said sure. Right away T relaxed.

Everything was okay until he pooped and Linda wanted to change him. He still isn't potty trained yet although we've been working with him. He doesn't like to be interrupted to be changed but he also doesn't like being dirty so you can eventually coax him over to have a new pull-up put on. Not yesterday, though. He cried, protested "no no!" and carried on for an hour. Then once she got the dirty pull-up off, he refused to get dressed again. It took another hour *and* we had to call Kennan, who decided he'd come over.

Meanwhile, we were trying everything. He came to me for comfort and hugs and I said to him calmly that I didn't understand what was happening. TB finally was able to coax him into putting on the pull ups and his pants but not his shoes. He was really upset that we'd called Kennan and kept saying "no no!" over and over.

It took almost 45 minutes to get him to put on his shoes. When Linda tried to leave, he ran to the door and blocked it.

TB and I both had the same thought: Little T wants his parents to stay together with him at our house, which is where he probably where he feels safest and most secure. TB blurted, "Well, you two should get married" and everyone looked at him like he'd lost his mind. TB said it just came out because of what he was thinking.

I really think we are right.

It won't ever happen because of the way Linda is and all the bad things she's done to Kennan and his family.

Poor little guy.

Kristin is freaking out because her last name is incorrect on her SAT admission ticket and it's too late to change it unless a miracle occurs but she's not ready to take it and it's her birthday this Saturday anyway and can we please pick her up now because she's so tired and upset? Yikes! We have to fax over proof of her identity and there's no guarantee they'll change the ticket in time...they probably won't. I told the people at the college board I felt it was their mistake. Kristin says the application asked for her parents' names and there was no place to put her last name and that's how it happened.

Good grief!


Nancy in PA said...

Good grief indeed :-( So much for this being an easier week, huh. Geez... hugs and prayers coming your way!

Nancy in PA said...

Good grief indeed :-( So much for this being an easier week, huh. Geez... hugs and prayers coming your way!

Grace In Small Things

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