Friday, April 24

First Post-Op Visit & Meeting Another Friend From OH Board

So this afternoon I went to see Dr. G and had that J-tube removed--that was the tube they used to give me my psych meds in the hospital the first few days when I wasn't allowed anything by mouth. Wow! I can't believe it's been a week since I left the hospital!

I am doing great, feeling fine and have graduated to "mushies"! Today TB made a delicious soup with ground turkey, bok choy, kale, celery, mushrooms and carrots and put them into the blender so that I could enjoy it too. It was soooo delicious! I'm looking forward to adding a whole lot more variety to my menu now and am taking it nice and slow!

I've lost 24 lbs since starting with Dr. G; 14 of that has been since the surgery!

All week, I've been texting with another member of Obesity Help who went in for surgery exactly a week after I did. I wanted to be able to visit her and today we did! We'd been texting and talking on the phone all week so it was a real pleasure to meet her in person. We had fun talking and she said that us southern NJers needed a social group of our own to get together as others do on the OH board and have fun. She suggested the name NJDS and I'm all for it!


The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

All of us in the Whiskers and Purrs Gang are SO happy for you and your husband! You both look great! We will keep sayin' prayers for you both!

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang...and Mommy Jenny, too!

Nancy in PA said...

Yea!!! Congratulations on your graduation!!! Enjoy the mushies!!! Hugs and prayers coming your way...

Grace In Small Things

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