Ted in one of his favorite poses: holding one of the fur babies!
Sunday Stealing: The Over the Top Meme
Part One - Describe:
Your hair? Short dark brown
Your mother? back in MD
Your father? died of arthrosclerotic disease in August
Your favorite food? Chinese food--varies by my mood
Your dream last night? I don't remember
Your favorite drink? water
Your dream/goal? write a story that gets published into a book
The room are you in? my bedroom
Your hobby? reading
Your fear? something bad happens to a loved one
Your TV? off
Your Pets? six cats and a dog
Friends? spread out around the country and the world
Your life? never a dull moment
Your mood? up and down
If you're missing someone? not at the moment
Your best friend? doesn't live in NJ
Part Two - The Where's?
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Living in this house with TB
Where were you last night? at the laundromat and then home
Where did you grow up? on Long Island & Baltimore, MD
One place that I go to over and over? the beach whenever possible
Your favorite place to eat out? Chinese or Japanese restaurant
Wish list items? get my dryer fixed, the brakes fixed, reduce our mortgage, be able to afford Christmas presents for everyone
Last time you laughed? Today
Last time you cried? Today
Part Three - The What's?
Something that you aren't? Healed
Last thing you did? Looked at a website
What are you wearing? short sleeve shirt, slacks, socks, shoes, brace, glasses, wedding ring
Something you're not wearing? watch
Your favorite store? Borders

Unconscious Mutterings
I say... and you think ...
- Grace :: Amazing
- Shower :: Bath
- Alice :: in Wonderland
- Purple :: Haze
- Apartment :: complex
- 3 :: 6
- Car :: Toyota
- Pregnant :: mother-to-be
- Counselor :: therapist
- Discretion :: better part of valor
Awwww...so cute.
Sweet picture
Fun photo. We love our animals, too. Sorry I was so late getting here to comment, I had surgery last week.
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