Tuesday, February 23

Cats on Tuesday: What's up, gang?

CATS ON TUESDAY is a group of cat lovers who share pictures and/or stories about their cats once a week, hosted by Gattina.

Cubby: Lately one of us haff bin da star of da show. But what's up wif effurbody? Iyam on Mommy bean's neck pillow. It needza pillow cuffer!

Mouse: It'z cold outside, whacha tink we're doin?
Munchkin: I's tryin stay warm whilst Mommy Bean washes da kuvvers!


Kosmo: Lik dis tummy shot? Dis tummy Tuesday, right? I shuld lead off da post, why'm I lastest? Don' I look happies? Lookit me, Iyam winkin!

Want more cat blogging?

Be sure to check out Gattina's blog. Today is also Tuxie Tuesday and then there's Blogging Cat Noos for all the latest!


Carla said...

Cat napping, and tummies make the world go round!!

Cezar and Léia said...

Beautiful pictures.
So nice to see all friends in so comfortable poses and spots!
Enjoy your day there!
Happy Tuesday
Luna - We love LUna

Unknown said...

Ha ha, Tummy Tuesday, I like that one. You kitties did a great job helping mom with the bed making. Happy COT!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Kosmo you are just the cutest. Amber you look like you are having happy dreams.
I hope mommy bean gets those covers back to you guys soon. Then you can snuggle and be warm.

Little Sunshines

Al said...

Cute kitties, are you all sleepy? Tired from playing? Well then get some rest.

Ingrid said...

Your mom dared to make the beds and wash the covers ? Arthur and Pookie get very angry when I do that, lol !

Ingrid said...

Your mom dared to make the beds and wash the covers ? Arthur and Pookie get very angry when I do that, lol !

Mary said...

A very happy looking bunch of kitties :-)

Ginger said...

Love the last picture with daddy and baby.

Pam said...

Cat Napping! They are all doing an excellent job accomplishing this!
I love the tummy shot. Too cute!


Those cats! They always find the
softest places in the house and they
never want to leave! They all look happy!

Ellen Whyte said...

Such comfy spots - and one with an automated tummy rubber!

Andree said...

I saw you winkin'!! What a cutie you are!!

Ydiana said...

We love taking photos of you guys! Your furs makes it all the more interesting! keep posing for us....we can look at you all day! lol

Grace In Small Things

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