CATS ON TUESDAY is a group of cat lovers who share pictures and/or stories about their cats once a week, hosted by Gattina.
This is what early mornings look like at our house:

We moved the gang from the kitchen to the dining room when my mom moved in with us. This was so she didn't trip over anyone. It took a long time to get the gang used to this set up so we don't want to switch back.

Hey guys, looks like Amber would be glad to help anyone finish cleaning their bowls!
Want more cat blogging?
Be sure to check out Gattina's blog and Blogging Cat Noos for all the latest!
What a gorgeous line up!!!!!!!!
Well done in trainging the cats to eat in a row. My cats eat in 2 rows.
What sweet pictures! I love how they are eating in a line. We leave food out, dry, and they eat all day.
Wow they are so organized! With my
kitties it whom ever gets to the bowl
or is the hungriest eats first!
Happy COT!
Wow they are so organized! With my
kitties it whom ever gets to the bowl
or is the hungriest eats first!
Happy COT!
Don't you love how one always has to keep an eye on everybody else? It's a riot! Great photos.
Do they stick to their own bowls? I have one who likes to eat out of everyone elses bowl. I have to protect Hopey's bowl from the other two...she's a slow eater and would like to spread out her meal over a longer time....if they would let her.
Hahaha ! looks like a cat restaurant, so cute all lined up !
Arthur is always standing wrong and takes too much space.
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