Amber sez, Mommy, you have to help! The boys won't stop using my box and now it's all stinky-stanky!
Kosmo sez, I go in any box I can find. I am a mancat and must set up territorial rights!
Mouse sez: Yeah, what he said!
Kosmo: Gotta admit Amber's right about one thing, though, that old box is stinky-stanky!
Mouse (sniffing): Peeee-yew!
Mommy says: What happens if I don't clean this box? Either the boys and Amber will hop to the new box alongside it or .... (starts shuddering) ... maybe we better keep the bedroom and laundry room doors closed for a while so we don't find any unpleasant leavings in our beds or baskets!
Want more cat blogging without the poop? Check out:
Blogging Cat Noos and The Friday Ark
This weekend:
Weekend Cat Blogging will be at Chey's Place
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos will be at Hot(M)BC and the optional theme is cats in hats and
the 200th edition of the Carnival of the Cats will be appearing at Life From A Cat's Perspective
And last but not least, there's the cat lovers' blogs on my sidebar!
Does Amber use the self-cleaning one at all since you removed the lid? If she has, then take away the other box and see if just the lid removal makes a difference.
If she's real sensitive to noise or that cleaning mechanism, then maybe you could try turning off the cleaning part during the day, then turning it back on at night or something when they are not using it.
Otherwise, I'm all out of ideas :( I usually clean litterboxes 1 to 2 times a day, so it's a chore I've long since gotten used to.
At least you can use the litterbox liners. Felix chews plastic stuff, so I can't use them ;)
WE likes to have da lid on - we needs out privacy. Momma won't try one of them self-cleaning boces cuz Sabi is scart of noises.
Just get another cat staff to scoop more often! hehehe
Fanks for joining the Bad Kitty Cats festival of Chaos this week!
Sanjee and the gang
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