Oh look, was my first thought, they're making a triangle! And Kosmo and Amber are closer than they've ever been before without hissing and spitting!
But...who peed on the family room couch?
We got rid of the stinky-stanky litter in the old box and decided to put it away for a day and see what happened. We also unplugged the new kitty box so it wouldn't do any surprise sweeps. But somekitty still peed on the couch.
Sigh. There wasn't any trial period with this self-cleaning box either so I don't think we can return it. The old box is back with new litter in it, right next to the nice new unplugged new box which is currently being useless.
Well, we haven't really given up yet. We've lost the battle this time but not the war...yet. :D
They are united in refusing to use the new litter box. Great! Great.
Try putting some used litter into the new box.
We'll nefur tell!
Fanks for joining the Bad Kitty Cats festival of Chaos this week!
Sanjee and the gang
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