Thursday, February 28

End of Thursday Night Thoughts

1. Do not give shelter to a deadbeat family member. They will put down root and try to get rid of said offender is like trying to get rid of a weed. Said weed chokes the life out of a nicely seeded lawn.

2. Also don't schedule therapy visits on the same day as a medical procedure that involves anesthesia. It means all-around misery for everyone.

3. Take lots of pictures of's therapeutic.

4. Love the grandson, he's a blessing. Maybe that's why you do give the deadbeat a place to root and pray you keep your health and sanity.

5. It's a good thing I read The Time Traveller or I totally would not have understood tonight's episode of Lost. I nearly broke down in tears, the ending was just so beautiful. I just love that show! And although it's a couple of months after the fact, I love it that the episode took place on Christmas Eve!

6. Thank God TB's colonoscopy was normal--"clean and green" as he put it. That's one good thing that happened today

7. Even if there's no medical procedure that day, if there are two therapy appointments, try to schedule them an hour apart. Why? Well, I'd scheduled Kristin and me for about the same time--and her doctor needed to talk to me which made me late for mine and so I had to go to the back of the line. Meanwhile, poor TB was sitting there trying not to fall asleep ... nope, all the appointments in one day was definitely a no-repeat event!

8. Snuggling with your cats is therapeutic

9. Reading is relaxing unless you haven't had enough sleep

10. Eating Cadbury eggs are an effective way to deal with stress but it's also an unhealthy way

11. It's wondeful to know that Cubby and Sox still have people out there that care about them and are happy to hear that the boys are doing well!

12. I drove around almost all day today and didn't have much crankiness. Are the biplolar meds I'm taking kicking in?

13. Another great way to relax: Facebook!

14. Cats like to snack on some very weird things! So far, under the "other" category on our poll, some feline friends like: Blue cheese, sweetcorn, honey dew melon, mature cheddar cheese, goldfish crackers, fritos, black olives, Doritos (not jalepeno though), and bananers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*giggle*, Mom loves Cadbury Eggs. And she loves snuggling with cats and taking pictures of cats! She's got thousands of pictures of us Ballicai, and quite a few movies, too! *smile*

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Grace In Small Things

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