Tuesday, May 13

Cats In Need

I wanted to take a moment to thank all the wonderful, caring friends and bloggers who wished TB well. It meant so much to all of us! I send you all lots of cyber hugs!

I got an email from Allison's friend--Allison is the lady who owned Cubby and Sox and died last December. Her friend Doreen worked so hard to get Cubby and Sox placed and it was like a miracle that we walked into the store just after they'd arrived.

Now another miracle is needed and TB and I want so much to come through but we just can't because of his health and our financial status.

Doreen's rescued these two purebred beauties from being put to sleep tomorrow:

Monty is an 8 year old neutered Russian Blue.

Misha is a 13 year old Persian.

Right now Doreen has them because she couldn't bear to see them put down but she's got a full house herself. Why were these beautiful kitties about to be put down?

"Owner surrendered because no family member wanted!" What is wrong with people?

Doreen says they are bonded, since they've come from the same house. The other word I've gotten is "They are extremely friendly and seek attention constantly!"

Can you help? Do you know someone who could give them a good home? Is it you? The cats are in the NY metro area I believe and I have Doreen's contact information so if you want to help (know of other contacts like no-kill shelters, even) please contact me! Thanks so much, cat bloggers have such big hearts!


Luna und Luzie said...

Oh I wished I could help, but I have 3cats (two once were strays too ) and one dog from a shelter in spain.
I hope so you can find someone who could have the cats.

Victor Tabbycat said...

You might search Petfinders for no-kill shelters in your area. Also, Catster has some chat forums related to adoptions and rescues.
Poor sweethearts must be so confused and scared!

The Lee County Clowder said...

Gosh, they're both gorgeous!

But we're about 1500 miles away and already have six cats.

Grace In Small Things

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