Monday, October 13

Monday Sundries

I just love Maxine. Sometimes she just so says what I'm thinking.

One other thing I'm thinking about this election: why can no one give a straight answer to a question? It's not just JOhn McCain and Barack's all of them!

Here we go again. I think my voted is based on who is the scarier nominee for vice president.

Curious As A Cat

1) What would you do if (or What will you do because) your workplace was (is) closed today and you could (can) do anything you wanted? Goof off, sleep and otherwise relax

2) Have you ever been emotionally attached to someone in a way that was detrimental to you?
Yes, I once had a two year relationship with a guy who was very detrimental to my self respect and self esteem. Thank goodness I broke off with him!

3) What is the most beautiful word you know, in any language? Love

4) What one thing limits your freedom the most?
Lack of money!

5) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.

What comes to mind: west and wewaxation!

The Meme Express

How do you make sense of life, when life seems not to make sense?

I try to put all my faith and trust in God's hands. I won't understand it all but eventually I will. Not in this life.

Monday Music Mambo

1. Name your favorite piano player. Billy Joel

2. Name your favorite song featuring piano.
"Italian Restaurant"

Booking Through Thursday
On Monday

What was the last book you bought?

I just bought a bunch from a library book sale

Name a book you have read MORE than once
There are a lot. These are the first 3 to come to mind.
The Stand
A Tree Grows In Brooklyn

Has a book ever fundamentally changed the way you see life? If yes, what was it?

I would say Exodus by Leon Uris and To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Although they both showed the very worst of mankind, they also showed the best. When I read these books I hadn't learned about the way we treated African Americans or that a million Jews were exterminated. It was very shocking.

How do you choose a book? eg. by cover design and summary, recommendations or reviews

All of the above and I also read the first few pages to see if I'll like it

Do you prefer Fiction or Non-Fiction?


What’s more important in a novel - beautiful writing or a gripping plot?
I think they're both important

Most loved/memorable character (character/book)

Atticus Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird

Which book or books can be found on your nightstand at the moment?
Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha and Sole Survivor

What was the last book you’ve read, and when was it?

I finished reading A Separate Peace yesterday

Have you ever given up on a book half way in?
Many is too short to stick with a book that doesn't interest me

You Are a Pumpkin Latte

You are always up for a celebration. You are a very festive person.

You look forward to every holiday, and you are nostalgic for good times after they're over.

You appreciate the small things that make life special. You love little treats.

You often look at the world with childlike wonder. There's so much to enjoy!

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