Thursday, October 30

Weight Loss Surgery & Thursday Sundries

TB's just gotten the date for his weight loss surgery: November 10. Now that it's right in my face, I have to work on not worrying about it and putting it all in God's--and the surgeon's--hands. Today we have to go to the doctor's to get the special diet TB will need to be on up until his surgery to help shrink his liver. Once TB recovers from surgery, it will be my turn. In my email (there are no coincidences) I found a news item that talks about prepping for weight loss surgery.

It suggests you start out the way TB and I did: attend a seminar and learn about the different weight loss surgeries. Then you either get a referral or (if you don't need one) you make an appointment with an accredited bariatric center. There are all different requirements from insurance companies. Some require 6 months of nutritional counseling and weight loss supervision; some require 12. You have to know who wants what. The article also suggests you begin exercising three times a week and trying to lose weight.

One thing we didn't do was join the weight loss surgery support group.

One of the attendees at the seminar we went to had the same kind of surgery TB wants. He said it was really important to start chewing your food slowly. You take one bite and then chew it 20 times. You have to eat like you've got a smaller stomach already. Well...we haven't done that yet either.

We're getting the special diet today and then we have to shop for it. I sure hope we have enough money. :P This surgery is less than 2 weeks away!


1. Do you like Halloween? Why/why not? I do like Halloween. I used to enjoy dressing up when I was a kid and now I enjoy seeing the kids' costumes and handing out candy

2. What's your favorite part of the Halloween season? Why? I just love the fall decorations. Fall is my favorite season and I love the colors of the changing leaves. Halloween coincides with all that

3. Do you have plans for Halloween this year? If so, what are they? If not, why not? I have no plans this year; we have no money. Boooooooo!

Booking Through Thursday

Are you a spine breaker? Or a dog-earer? Do you expect to keep your books in pristine condition even after you have read them? Does watching other readers bend the cover all the way round make you flinch or squeal in pain?
I'm neither of the above. While I don't keep my books in pristine condition after I've read them, I don't want to "hurt" them either and so I do wince when I see other readers bend the cover all the way around or dogear a page. Oh well.

Thursday Threesome

:: Daylight Savings Time::

Onesome: Daylight-- Savings Time is up here in the US this weekend. Ready? Set? Go? ...or will you just wake up and worry about it sometime Sunday?
Oh is it this weekend? Goodie, an extra hour of sleep!

Twosome: Savings--? Hey, do you use coupons when you shop? ...and do you go looking for them online?
I don't specifically go look for them but I use them if I have them

Threesome: Time-- to batten down the hatches where you are? They've had snow in Ohio and Ottawa; and we may not hit the 80's this weekend in CaliLand: is Winter approaching for you? Winter was here two days ago. We had a dusting of wet snow but now the weather is more seasonable. Halloween should be in the low 60s which is just about right!

Thirteen Favorite Scary Characters From Books, Movies & TV

1. Norman Bates
2. Count Dracula
3. Pod people from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (original)
4. Barnabas Collins (from "Dark Shadows")
5. Count Petofi (from "Dark Shadows")
6. Hannibal Lechter ("Silence of the Lambs")
7. John Milton ("Devil's Advocate")
8. Angelique Bouchard ("Dark Shadows")
9. Damien from "The Omen"
10. The Wolfman
11. Frankenstein
12. The Mummy
13. The Evil Queen from "Snow White"

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

You Are a Vampire

You are charming, sensual, and even a bit manipulative.

You can't help but get people to do what you want.

You have sharp senses and a strong predatory instinct.

You go after what you want, without mercy.

While you have the heart of a killer, many people are drawn to you.

You are elegant, timeless, and mysterious. You are the ultimate fantasy object.


jayedee said...

i remember the whole pod people still gives me the shivers! ewwwwwwwwww!
happy tt!

Anonymous said...

Damien gives me such a case of the creeps.

My TT is at

SmilingSally said...

I feel that "good condition is nice if you ever want to pass them on."

Nancy in PA said...

We are praying!!! I'll call soon to see how you are doing...

Nicholas said...

Norman bates was scary. So was his mother!

Not wanting to quibble, but Frankenstein was the mad doctor, and the scary creature was Frankenstein's monster.

Grace In Small Things

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