Sunday, November 2

Sunday Sundries: Halloween and other things

It was a busy weekend so this will be a busy post!

On Friday, Halloween, Little T's class had a fall celebration party and Kennan, TB and I were among the many relatives that showed up to take part in the revelry. First the kids went out to pick pumpkins.

The kids and their guests then rotated around several activities set up in the classroom. One of them was pumpkin decorating.

Another was a spooky dart board!

There was spooky music playing in the background and Little T wanted to dance so I did our version of "The Monster Mash"!

One activity involved finger painting a bat. Little T didn't want anything to do with the finger paints so he colored one instead. Although he does tolerate stuff on his hands better than he did before there are times when he just doesn't want to and that's okay!

Another activity involved using tongs or tweezers to pick up small spooky toys and get them into the pumpkin.

Then came the kids' favorite part of the party--food! Everyone said it was the quietest the kids' had been all day!

TB was busy taking pictures all during the party. Now he encouraged Little T to smile.

Tomas reacted as if to say enough already, Pop-Pop!

This picture of Little T with his teacher came out beautifully! We all had a wonderful time!

Afterwards, I wanted to take pictures of some of the fall colors in the area. The first is of a tree/bush in our yard; the other two were taken at nearby Brendan Byrne State Park. This is the time of the year I love best, when the leaves have changed their colors.

Yesterday Kennan needed to work and so TB and I spent the day with Little T. We took him for his speech therapy session and I'm so impressed and gratified by what the therapists are able to accomplish with him. He won't practice his speech skills with us yet but I heard him clearly say all his vowels, some consonant sounds, "erase" and the sentence "I see apple". Way to go, T! By the end of the day, TB and I were ready to drop--he's a very active little boy!

Camera Critters

alt="randomness...feed your mind and your blog">

This is from last week but I thought it would be fun!

1. When did you start blogging? I started blogging online in 2002.
2. How often do you blog? How many times per week, per day? I try to blog at least once a day but lately I've been erratic
3. How many blogs do you have? I have three but haven't kept up with the other two
4. How many blogs do you visit daily? What type of blogs do you tend to visit? Do you always leave comments? I used to visit lots of blogs and leave comments; I've been following two blogs faithfully but usually don't leave any comments. This is all part of this "thing" I'm going through
5. What is it about blogging that you enjoy the most? What is it that you don't like about blogging? I enjoy expressing myself the most and I least enjoy the pressure I feel to keep blogging even when I don't feel like it
6. What do you usually blog about? Lately it's been fluffy meme stuff

Snackie Sunday

IS IT POSSIBLE FOR WOMEN AND SINGLE STRAIGHT MEN BE PLATONIC FRIENDS? Not if the women are also straight and single--that's what I've found to be true when I tried to be "just friends" with a guy. When it was he that wanted to be the friend, I tried but inevitably developed crushes on them and then was hurt and angry when they didn't reciprocate. :P

Sunday Stealing

The McDanger Theme

What are your nicknames?
Cassie or Cass
What TV gameshow or reality show would you like to be on? Jeopardy

What was the first movie you bought in VHS or DVD? Are you kidding? That was like 20 years ago! I have no idea

What is your favorite scent?

If you had one million dollars to spend only on yourself, what would you spend it on?
First I'd pay off my bills and then I'd buy a cottage in Delaware for my husband and me. I know the money is supposed to be only for myself but my husband comes as a package. Then I'd get us vacations around the world, to Hawaii, the Bahamas, Germany, Ireland. I'd get the Claddagh birthstone I've been wanting. I'd get plastic surgery to get rid of extra hanging skin once I've lost enormous weight. I'd make sure my family is cared for and give to charity because that would be part of taking care of myself too.

What is one place you've visited, can't forget and want to go back to? Mystic, CT

Do you trust easily?

Do you generally think before you act, or act before you think? I'm very impulsive so I speak or act first before I think

Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Oh yes

Do you have a good body image?

What is your favorite fruit?

What websites do you visit daily?
blogs that I read, the news, weather, stuff like that

What have you been seriously addicted to lately? Sleep

What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
"Down the Street" from That 70s Show

What is your favorite thing to wear? Jeans and a tee shirt

Do you think Rice Krispies are yummy? They're okay

What would you do if you saw $100 lying on the ground?
pick it up of course

What items couldn't you go without during the day?
a book, my computer, my glucose meter, insulin

What should you be doing right now?
cleaning the house

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. In love :: romance

  2. Be my guest :: go ahead

  3. Number one :: first

  4. Swallowed whole :: goldfish

  5. 50 percent :: half

  6. Made in :: Japan

  7. Supplement :: addition

  8. Right for :: me

  9. Endless :: forever

  10. Ceramic :: sculpture
LogoThere are
people with my name in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?


Unknown said...

Swallowing a goldfish. Ugh.

You can find my mutterings ::here::.

Have a wonderful week!

Anonymous said...

Love your Sunday Stealing answers

Gattina said...

Wow ! that's a long post, lol ! I also have some Halloween pictures on my Writer Cramps blog. We don't celebrate it very much, I think it's just the beginning. But it's fun !

i beati said...

going to borrow these for my blog your cat looks like my sweet guy who died this year sandy

The Bookworm said...

great post, enjoy your weekend :)

Grace In Small Things

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