Friday, November 7

Friday Sundries

Today, not only did Cubby and Sox allow me to take their picture, they actually looked at the camera! Jean and Matthew will enjoy this one. :)

Want more cat blogging? Check out Finally Friday and for all the latest, Blogging Cat Noos!

Today, TB and I took Little T for speech therapy again. We are in such awe of what the therapist can do with the little guy. He can make all of his vowel sounds with no problem and so the next step is working on the consonants. The therapist told me that he can put his tongue in place to make the "t" or "d" sound but apparently hasn't connected the concept of blowing air and making the sound at the same time. He'll get there, he's come so far!

Friday's Feast #196


When was the last time you had your hair cut/trimmed?
Last month and it needs to be trimmed

Name one thing you miss about being a child.
Spending quality time with my grandma


Pick one: butter, margarine, olive oil.
Olive oil

Main Course

If you could learn another language, which one would you pick, and why?
I would choose Gaelic even though I understand it's not spoken much in Ireland. I'd like to learn it because it's related to my heritage


Finish this sentence: In 5 years I expect to be…
in a cozy little cottage on the Delaware shore!

The Castle Personality Test

You are a bit tentative when it comes to new experiences. You have to push yourself to try new things, but once you do, you love the adventure.

You like to think that people see you as dramatic and fascinating. You do your best to seem mysterious.

You are a very realistic person. You see the world as it is, flaws and all.

Right now, you feel like the whole world is open to you. You see lots of possibilities.

Overall, your life is dramatic and unpredictable. You life in interesting times.

You aren't optimistic about the future. You worry about what will happen to the world and if we'll be able to clean up the messes we've made.

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